Monday, 7 January 2013

Don Bosco relics at Carfin Quotes

Helen Border Glasgow University Chaplaincy
The experience was deeply spiritual, it seeps into you right on the spot and it's easy to understand.

Helen Gilmore
I found my soul in the words and in the experience.

John, Glasgow University
It seemed to give me a way to link soul to life. I work in accounting and I found ways in this experience to link my work to spirituality.

Susan Smith Stonyburn
The whole life story of this man reads as an incredible and brilliant experience. It inspires me and gives me hope that my own life has some meaning.

Gerald Reynolds Motherwell
Friendship seems to be the key to this saintly life. As a teacher myself I recognise Don Bosco's challenge to be a friend to the young. The quote that sticks with me is this “ a teacher who only appears in the classroom remains just a teacher. A teacher who spends time in the playground becomes a friend.”

Marie McGuire Uddingstone
The spirituality we experienced today is so down to earth and I can see it all happening in the story of my family life.

Agnes from Blantyre
There is a warmth and presence of God radiated by the young people who accompany the relic. There was an almost magical sense of presence throughout the day.

“The ladies of Carfin” ( Mary, Anne Marie, Kathleen and Margaret)
The relic pilgrimage reminds us that we all need to be more child-like and not take ourselves so seriously.

Children brought up with Don Bosco's method would grow into strong and balanced young adults.

We need to delight in young people and recognise their energy and gifts.

The idea of a goodnight thought in families is a brilliant way to close the day with peace and a positive thought for young people.

Elizabeth and Laurence Murphy
You don't need to go into extraordinary places to find God. Don Bosco helps us find God in the ordinary things of life, in what happens and in our relationships.
We liked the emphasis on a gentle approach to other people and ourselves, especially when things were going badly. Focussing on a gentle personal care for others gives us deeper spiritual motives for working with other people.

Margaret Kelly Easterhouse
This experience has made me look at myself more clearly. It touches my life in ways I can't explain but it gives me more reasons to stay connected with the church. Through salesian spirituality small things become more meaningful and feed the soul.

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